Thursday, June 25, 2009


There are many things in life that I find to be quite confusing. Following are some examples of real head-scratchers:

  • Shoes at the side of the road. Now, while I don't condone littering, I can understand the presence of fast food trash and cigarette butts--but I just don't get shoes. They aren't the kind of thing one would just toss out the car window (and if they are, I don't want to know about it). And the theory that someone would put them on top of the car or onto the bumper in order to open the car door, then forget about them and drive off just does not account for the many I have seen. Just this morning there was a pair of men's dress shoes at the roadside. Why?

  • The current use of the electoral vote. This made sense when it was established, but it is no longer necessary. Why does it still exist?

  • Why do weeds thrive where garden plants struggle? Now, this one has lots of scientific data to support it and I would just as soon not hear all that logic regurgitated in my direction. On a cognitive level I understand. This conundrum is purely emotional. I just need to ask a rhetorical, "why?"

  • Do noseeums and stink bugs really serve a useful purpose in our ecology? Or are they just God's little joke on humanity?

  • Cockroaches, too, for that matter.

  • Why are shampoos wasted on children? There is so much relaxation and pleasure to be found in having someone else wash your hair. It seems to be wasted on people who are struggling to avoid the entire cleanliness process. By the time they are old enough to appreciate the feeling of a scalp massage, they also appreciate cleanliness and are therefore old enough to be trusted to bathe without any assistance. I think I'll make an appointment for a hair trim just so I can get the shampoo that comes with it.
I am certain there are many more things that confuse me. I'll let you know about those items later.


LIT said...

Confusion, yes; I know it well. The older you get the more you have. Part of it is seeing the stupidity of what is acceptable and fashionable, and part is just . . . getting older.

About the shoes: Maybe they stink, and the owner just doesn't want them associated with his/her trash. Who knows? But top this: There was an umbrella tossed out on the curb at my house today. You and I know that we haven't seen rain in 3-4 weeks here and temps 100+. Maybe the poor soul just felt there would never be a use for it again.

Electoral vote: Just another indication that congress is so far behind the thinking of the populace they allegedly represent. Guess we should look closer at our candidates before we vote.

Weeds- bugs: Voltaire said, "God is a comedian playing to an audience that is afraid to laugh." I don't know that it fits your question, but I like this answer and plan to use it wherever possible. Besides, you brought up God's sense of humor.

Children/shampoo: I don't really like to have someone else messing with my hair, so I guess I'm weirder than ever on this one. But, truth be told, just getting in the shower, lathering the hair, and using the run off to wash the bod is the best use of the "trickle down economics" of the Republicans I can think of. (Darn it, I hate ending a sentence with a preposition. Forgive me, please.) So, investing in shampoo but saving on soap is something to be considered.

Go for the scalp massage/shampoo! If it makes you feel good, and it's legal, what's to worry?

jaz said...

As for bathing the child, I believe she needs a bit more effort to get the body clean, especially on days she has spent at camp. Those 2-hour baths are quite useful for soaking off much of the grunge.

jaz said...

Beware of what you wish. As I type Oyster is playing in my hair. I figure the best way for her to learn how to fix hair is to see what she is doing. Besides, this cements my desire to stay out of the public eye! At least for today.

She wants you to know she did the klingon look, the pearl with the pony tail look, and that the hairnet cook lady did not work. Now we are going to try tye-dye. Pray for me.

LIT said...

Let her smear raw egg or mayonnaise in your hair; they are good conditioners. Top of the prayer list.

P.S. Don't let her have the scissors!

jaz said...

Off and on over the years I have considered shaving it bald and having a little time to not worry about it. Oyster pointed out I would have a sunburn immediately and it would not be attractive. Chill agreed.

Besides, there is no guarantee it would all grow back, and there is not much to begin with. Don't know how Oyster ended up with such thick locks.

plug said...

LIT did that raw egg and mayo thing with me as a kid. We would wrp it up in cellophane over night as I recall. Problem: once I did that for myself and didn't completely rinse it out the next day (it takes A LOT of rinsing). I went to school with sticky plastered hair. It was gross. Thankfully, the Rhoda Morgenstern headscarf thing was still sort of in fashion. Only sort of. ... and, yes, I ended that "sentence" with a preposition. On purpose. (and i ended that one with a purpose - hee)

jewel tones was the theme