Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shopping Advice

I love estate sales and garage sales. Sometimes the estate sales can be especially fun just to admire the houses. Those are generally the sales where I couldn't afford to purchase anything, anyway, so I might as well enjoy the tour.

Other times I find great deals on vintage fabrics, books, or a dish that matches what I have. But sometimes I find wonderful deals on groceries. I get to try something for a quarter that I know costs $3-4 in the store--and if my family doesn't like it, I know not to waste the money in the future. And if they do like it, we've discovered a new taste treat with little risk.

But, speaking of risk, there are some rules to grocery shopping at dead people's houses:

  • To begin with, check to make sure the item has never been opened. I am amazed at the large number of open boxes and bags of food stuffs that have prices similar to what you can buy new and unopened at the grocery store.
  • Check the date, if the item has one.
  • Check to make sure the item on the shelf does not read, "keep refrigerated."
  • Check for damage to the packaging. Just because the previous owner never opened it does not mean no one has been inside for a munch. And maybe they and a colony of relatives are still there.
Now, using these rules, I passed up the following items at a sale just this past weekend:

  • The bulging can of tomatoes. In fact, I handed it over to the woman running the sale. Carefully. It looked ready to explode at any second.
  • The two boxes of "Tofu Classic" (not really a rule--I just can't imagine my family happily chowing down on the vegetarian equivalent of hamburger helper.
  • The large bag of dried cranberries with the 2003 expiration date.
  • The bag of cornmeal that appeared to have a corner nibbled off. It was sitting directly next to the pellets left by a rodent.
  • The large can of sweet potato pie filling with the 2006 expiration date.
I have been known to bring home pudding mix, spices, canned veggies and fruits, ant killer powder for the yard, and Comet. And these were at reasonable prices--like $.25 each.

You just never know what you will find. It is like a treasure hunt.


Goo said...

However, I stand by the rule that so long as it's running, you ALWAYS get your money's worth from a $2 watch.

jaz said...

Can't argue with that rule!

LIT said...

Guess what! I bought something retail this week---a new bath mat---just like the old one. EXCEPT the new one has nap; not only that, it has pile. After seven yrs. the old one just couldn't do anything but give me something other than the tile under my feet. Aside from being totally flattened, it was raveling on the edges and couldn't stand one more laundering.

The down side was that the price was $15 more than I paid for the first one, and even after using the 20% off coupon (they come every two weeks) I still had to pay $5.00 more than for the original one. However, I love the new mat; it feels so good.

This in no way means I'm giving up on the estate sales, but once in a while something brand new is worth it. You know . . .?

jewel tones was the theme