Oyster just pranced into the room where I have been sitting with Cheddar snuggled in my lap. She is wearing a Sunday church dress with a bikini top peaking out, dress-up shoes two sizes too big, and a pretty hair bow. She is carrying a beaded evening purse, which contains index cards that have been turned into money in denominations like $5,000 and $2,000,000. She tells me she is a queen, Skids and Scooter are her guards, and Cheddar is the King.
After I obediently took her purse and her hand and help her onto the stool she carried in earlier, she "encouraged" the king to skedaddle and climbed onto my lap. Once cannot allow the king all the cuddling.
It is hard to resist the imp, with her pretty smile and puppy eyes, but I manage to convince her that I believe all queens play the violin and she needs to go practice. Which, of course, means she is hungry. Since she just ate one and a half slices of cheese pizza, a serving of peaches, a glass of milk, and an ice cream bar, I don't feel too bad about insisting she play before she is provided with more sustenance.
Mom does stand for Mean Old Mommy, doesn't it?
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jewel tones was the theme

I think I'll stop by before practicing the violin tomorrow. Just for a little pick-me-up, you know.
After practicing the violin (outside so all the neighbors could evaluate her progress), Oyster chowed down on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, polished off the last portion of peaches, and devoured a glass of strawberry milk with a large hunk of red velvet cake. I expect the queen to be another inch taller next week.
Luckily she goes up with that kind of consumption; I would go and inch (or more) wider. But I'm not a queen---just a jester.
I claimed to be prime minister during the game and managed to convince her that queens do what prime ministers tell them to do. Bet Margaret Thatcher was better at convincing others of that than Tony Blair. Winston Churchill may have been good at it, too.
I'll stick to being a duchess, thanks all the same. Queens shoulder a lot of responsibility and princesses have to deal with all sorts of crap (frogs, curses, dwarves). As a duchess you get all of the fun and none of the headaches!
Have you been talking with Fergie, again, Goo?
Took me 24 hours to realize you meant Sarah Ferguson not Black Eyed Peas. I may not be quite as pop culture deprived as I thought! :)
Guess I might be pop-culture-deprived, as I only associate Black-Eyed Peas with ham, greens, cornbread, and New Year's Day.
I'm hungry, does that mean I've been using my imagination?
No, Goo, I think it means that you've been snared by Jaz's food advertising. I heard something about that on NPR today. She could have said, "Salt, sugar, and fried," and you'd have had the same response.
Guess I've been snared. Tonight for supper I am planning to serve ham, greens, and cornbread. Unfortunately, Chill doesn't enjoy beans as much as I do, so we will do without this time around.
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