Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you believe in magic?

I believe in magic. I look at the wonders of this planet on which we live and I am astounded at the magic all around us. According to Wikipedia, one definition of magic is, “the use of supernatural forces to manipulate natural forces.” Merriam-Webster says magic is, “an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source.” Sure sounds like antiseptic descriptions of God to me.

When most people think of magic, they envision white tigers with tuxedoed trainers and whips, coins being pulled from behind ears, card tricks, or disappearing buildings. But those are actually sleight of hand parlor tricks that require much practice and a bit of redirection. God doesn’t ask us to look away while he performs his magic. He doesn’t try to hide the mechanism. In fact, as humankind has developed, God has slowly given us insight into his creation.

Consider the science of evolution. How can that possibly be accidental, coincidental, or happenstance? From the migration of the birds and butterflies to the pollination of the trees, magic is present everywhere, and I believe that magic was instituted at the hand of our Creator. In addition to the gift of life itself and all the wonders that abound around us, we are being given the opportunity to learn about our Creator by learning about his creation.

We have the chance to learn the physics, biology, and chemistry that make up our world. We get to see the mathematical progression and the psychology of life. We are privileged to see the wonder, the magic.

Let’s make the most of the world around us. Take a moment to contemplate how truly fantastic our environment is. Whether it is the joy of biting into the first fruits of the garden, the fun of watching a child watch an insect, or the breeze wafting the smell of the Easter Lilies, recognize God’s magic and revel in the wonder.

As the Book of Common Prayer says:
“God of all power, Ruler of the Universe, you are worthy of glory and praise...At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, the planets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home...From the primal elements you brought forth the human race, and blessed us with memory, reason, and skill…”(Eucharistic Prayer C, page 370)

I believe in magic. Do you?


LIT said...

Sure. Doesn't everybody? We just call it by different names.

Goo said...

I absolutely believe in magic. However, at the moment I seem to be trapped in a large scale parlor trick.

jaz said...

There are a couple of flop houses available in our fair town. Okay--I guess I don't have the authority to offer someone else's space, but Chill and I offer our humble abode as a place of refuge, should you need it.

jewel tones was the theme